Experts reveal: Invest your money HERE and you won’t go wrong

Investing in real estate has always been the best and safest way to save money and its value in Serbia, especially in uncertain times. That pattern of behavior has become an indispensable part of our culture today as the smartest move you can make in your life.

On the other hand, buying an apartment is also a startegic investment that over time can bring profit to the owner and become a significant source of passive income. This is best seen in the example of Belgrade Waterfront, where the value of apartments in premium buildings next to the river has increased by as much as 70% in the last six years. The calculation also benefits for the owners of apartments in this neighborhood who rent them out.

„The rents within this development ranges from 20 to over 30 EUR/sqm in premium buildings that, in addition to the prestigious location, are also characterized by exceptional amenities. These figures clearly show that purchasing an apartment in Belgrade Waterfront, from the aspect of return of invested funds through rental, is by far the most profitable investment compared to other, similar developments in other parts of the city“, states Sanja Mitrovic, co-owner of Brian Lack & Company International, real estate agency with a tradition of business in the English market longer than 40 years.

Did you know…

…that the value of a square metre in Belgrade Waterfront increases by 5 to 7 percent annually?

…that those who buy an apartment in Belgrade Waterfront get the opportunity to earn about 20% during the construction period?

…that an apartment on the right riverbank of the Sava is an investment that pays for itself in just 13 years?

…that the value of an apartment in premium building (first row by the river) has increased as much as 70% in 6 years?

The high earning potential is also one of the main reasons why there is a huge demand for these apartments on the real estate market.

„Although Belgrade Waterfront delivers a large amount of square metres to the market every year, there is the impression that there is a constant lackof „one more apartment“ for renting. This is especially visible in the buildings in the first row to the Sava, where the demand far exceeds the offer. For the sake of comparison, purchasing a villa with smaller yard at Dedinje costs twice as much as a spacious three-bedroom apartment in a premium building in Belgrade Waterfront. However, on a monthly basis, you can rent out both properties for the same amount, even though you invested half the price in the apartment“, says Sanja Mitrovic.

She also adds that investing in real estate in the most modern neighborhood in the country is a great opportunity to „put the money to work“.

„Investment purchase of an apartment in Belgrade Waterfront for renting with the bank loan is a great opportunity to put the money to work and to generate income from renting, in a quite comfortable amount to cover the obligations to the bank. Besides, the tenant will pay utility bills and maintainance in addition to the rent. At the end of the day, the apartment can be left to the owner’s descendants, and at every moment a significant profit can be made by selling it, with returning the loan to the bank“, she points out.

Receptions with security, swiming pools, gyms, Residential Club, secure parking, proximity of Galerija, Sava Promenada, St. Regis Belgrade and spaces for leisure and recreation are just some of the advantages offered by premium buildings and just some of the reasons why Belgrade Waterfront is the logical choice of both local and foreign buyers in recent years. It is not uncommon for companies to choose this particular development for their headquarters, because they have everything in one place – parking, inspiring working environment, recreation for employees.

„The initial income from the rental of the first property in Belgrade Waterfront served to many as the down payment for the loan for the purchase of the next property for rental and the creation of nex income. Thanks to excellent results in Belgrade Waterfront, a considerable number of business-oriented clients sold their real estate in other locations, because the value of the property did  not bring them a commensurate potentially realizable capital from renting. Time, practice and experience are unshakable parametres that show that by investing in Belgrade Waterfront you can only profit, and this trend will certainly continue in the future“, concludes Sanja Mitrovic, who together with Jugoslav Karic co-heads  Brian Lack & Company Belgrade office for 13 years already.

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